Establishing the right rental value for your property requires an understanding of the market and an idea of what tenants are willing to pay. Ultimately, both the Tucson rental market and your property’s condition will drive the amount of money you’ll be able to collect in rent.If you’re thinking about renting out your h...
The Tucson rental market ultimately drives how long it will take to rent out your property. When there’s a lot of competition, and the market is flooded with homes like yours, good tenants will have abundant choices, and you may have to wait longer to find someone to rent your home. When the market is a bit tighter, and tenants are ...
An incident happened this week that I want to share, because it’s something all landlords need to understand about the notice to vacate and lease termination. We have a home where the lease was up at the end of June. The tenant is required to give a 30 day notice to vacate prior to the beginning of the last month. The landlord is he...
In the last couple of days, we’ve had two incidents where landlords we work with called to tell us they wanted to go to their rental properties today. We had to tell them not to do that. Arizona statutes clearly determine access, intent to enter, when the landlords can go, and what they have to do first.Arizona Revised Statute 33-13...
The questions I get asked the most from people looking for a Tucson property manager are: how much do you charge; and, how much will my house rent for. I know these are important to you, and they’re important to me too. Every landlord cares about costs. But, they aren’t the most important questions you can ask when you’r...
Tucson tenant eviction is usually the result of tenants not paying rent on time and when due. The Foothills Lease requires the tenant to pay rent on the first of the month; they then have three grace days. This means that rent has to be in by the third or when we open the door on the fourth day of the month. If it’s not in our drop ...
The turnover process is completed by your Foothills property manager; it involves your tenant moving out and the property being prepared for the next tenant. Included in this process is the security deposit reconciliation. Property Condition ReportsManaging the security deposit starts with the move-in inspection. A property condition...
The cost of property management depends on the fees that a company charges. As you can guess, there are management fees that you’ll pay in exchange for the professional services that a property manager provides. Property Management Cost StructureThe amount you pay for property management in Tucson can be a percentage of the ren...
A lot of landlords ask about the best time to rent out a house. My standard answer to that question is – right now is better than waiting. You should rent it out when you need to get it rented. In some cases, waiting can be better. I guess it depends on your market.Rental Seasons and GeographyIn Minneapolis, where I have friends, th...
There’s a process for how we qualify prospective tenants, and today we are sharing some Tucson tenant screening tips. It’s important to look at each tenant the same way and rate them the same way to comply with all fair housing requirements.Screening a Tenant: Where to StartWe look at several things, starting with the FICO sco...